
Resource Recovery

Changing waste systems in hawaiʻi through resource reclamation


Waste is a valuable resource. Through Resource Recovery, we are able to reclaim resources that would typically be identified as ʻwasteʻ and give them a new life.

Over 400,000 POUNDS OF compost and recycling recovered TO DATE!

Sustain Events

Since 2012, Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii has been working with diverse clients to make environmentally conscious choices when planning events, diverting waste all while educating and inspiring guests in the process. Hosting a zero waste or sustainable event can be simple and rewarding. We are available for hire to help you minimize your events impact on the environment through pre-event consulting and during event implementation of our waste diversion systems and trained resource management/education staff.

All proceeds go directly back into our program to perpetuate our mission.


  • Fundraisers
  • Weddings
  • Private events
  • School events

To book, contact us at with the subject line: SustainEvents Booking.

What we offer

Sustainable Coastlines Hawai'i offers world-class education alongside our waste diversion services.

We provide a team of trained waste experts to manage the receptacles placed throughout your event and educate your guests along the way. To ensure your event has as minimal impact as possible, our team monitors the receptacles and alleviates any issues that arise.

Data is collected by the SustainEvents crew, allowing us to calculate the impact and provide a report on the items collected at the event.

The receptacles, made by Albizia Project and Design Lab Hawai'i, were built using scrap wood and have 4 different compartments – food scraps, compostable containers, recycling, and trash. By using scrap wood, we are excited to share a full-circle story of how waste can be turned into a resource.

To book, contact us at with the subject line: SustainEvents Booking.



Food scraps and compostable containers are taken to our new Compost Machine in Waimānalo where the products break down and turn into healthy soil.


HI-5 recyclables are picked up by Bottles4College, a nonprofit that uses the recycling redemption to help fund local Hawai'i students' college tuitions.


The remaining products, mainly single-use plastics, are taken to the nearest transfer station. From there, the waste is either taken to a local landfill or to H-POWER, the incinerator on island.

The compost Machine

We are introducing a project that has been years in the making – one of the first-ever permitted food waste composting systems in Hawai'i. In collaboration with Full Circle Farm Hawai'i, 11th Hour Racing, Frost Family Foundation, and Revolusun, we are excited to announce that we brought a new in-vessel composting system to Oʻahu as part of our SustainEvents Program.The Green Mountain Technologies Earth Flow In-Vessel composting system is one of the first of its kind in Hawai‘i and will alleviate problems of odors, emissions, and leachate commonly associated with composting, that are primary concerns when it comes to traditional composting.The compost machine, housed at Full Circle Farm in Waimānalo, can process up to 1,000 pounds of food scraps and green waste per day. Even better? With this machine, we are able to produce rich, healthy compost twice as fast as the traditional method!